Monday, December 7, 2015

Sawyer's 1st birthday

Well it happened. My baby turned 1! I decided to throw him a baseball themed party. My mom was able to be there for his birthday and my sister and her family came for a little while also. 
Sawyer was obsessed with his Uncle Jereme's beard. He just wanted to pull and tug on it. 

We went to Firehouse Subs for lunch and Sawyer loved his firefighter hat and kept wanting to play peek-a-boo with it. 

Sawyer and his cousin Benjamin giving kisses. 

For food, I had soft pretzels, corn dogs, nachos, cracker jacks, Big Chew gum and cupcakes. 

I made this little banner for his high chair.

I bought this baseball pillow for all the family to sign.

Sawyer's little cake I made for him.

Time for cake. He did not love this part. I think everyone coming close to him and signing loud scared him. Then he did not want the cake. 

After cake, we had games. I had the baby pool filled with balls, 
throwing practice with water balloons,

and sliding practice with the slip and slide.

It was a really fun party. But shortly after, Sawyer got a fever. Luckily his check up was the next day and the poor little guy had a double ear infection. He got some medicine to help him feel better quickly. Happy 1st birthday my sweet boy!!!!


Al said...

I can't believe how much bigger he is now compared to then! I wish I could have been there for this party. It looked like a lot of fun. Great theme :)

Al said...

I can't believe how much bigger he is now compared to then! I still wish I could have been there for this party. Great theme btw :)