Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Clarkland Farm

We try to make it to Clarkland at least once a year. It is such a fun place. It was raining some when we got there, but tapered off pretty quickly. 
They had a few new play areas, including a dinosaur area. Now we know why Josh and Laneah can be so loud and crazy...they are part dinosaur!!
We did the hayride first and it was Sawyer's first hayride. He did not seem that impressed, lol.
Then we explored some.
When we were checking out the animals, there was a baby goat that was obsessed with Sawyer. Sawyer loves animals, so this was just the cutest thing ever. I took about a hundred pictures, but narrowed it down to two for the blogs sake. 

After a fun half day there, we ate packed lunches in the car and headed to Columbia mall to go to the Disney Store and ride the carousel.  

Fun day for the kiddos.