Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Halloween Activities

We didn't end up getting to carve our pumpkins until Halloween this year because our schedules were so busy. Laneah loved it; she's always loved getting messy. Brooklyn liked it, but had a look of disgust and wanted to wash her hands right away, which was no surprise. Sawyer was the wild card as we didn't know what his reaction would be. The weather was nice enough that we were able to carve outside. 

Look at that face!! Haha! You can see he wanted to be like the girls, but why are they touching this icky stuff?! He touched the insides for a minute and then mostly wanted to play with the top and explore outside. 

I helped coordinate the Halloween party for Brooklyn's class and they seemed to have lots of fun. 
They did crafts, had treats and played games.
The kids do a Halloween parade every year and it is too cute. The teachers are really into it as well. 

We also did the truck or treat at church. 

Halloween is probably a close second to Christmas for activities. So fun, but so busy!