Monday, December 14, 2015

Laneah's sneak-a-peek and first day of 2nd grade

The week before school started, we got to go up to the school and find out who the kids teachers are, see their classroom and bring in their school supplies. Laneah got Ms Bittinger, who is a new teacher; her first year of teaching anywhere. Laneah was happy that she got a young, pretty teacher, which made up for the fact that neither of her best friends would be in her class this year. The room was all done up in black and yellow with the theme of a bee hive. Super cute.

Her locker.
Her first day of second grade was August 24th and she was excited to go. She told me she was going to put on lip gloss, I didn't realize it would be bright red lol. 

Here she comes 2nd grade!!