Thursday, December 17, 2015

Sawyer 14-15 months

This is the last month that I did not write anything down so again, limited info:( But cute pictures!
Toddling around
I bought him a little toy house with a puppy mostly because it has a light switch on the front of the house and he loves light switches. It is a cute toy and I like that it's portable.
Naturally, the girls adore him. He loves them back, but he also loves hitting them.
He always wants to get on my make up table and use my make up. 
Climbing at the park.
Adorable in his little fox hat.

So happy destroying flowers.
He takes an unbelievable amount of selfies on my phone.
He was sick for a bit in October, but didn't get as bad as in the past.
Still a cuddly boy.

Likes collecting the colorful leaves on our walks.
He is a sweet, happy little baby.