Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Waugh Chapel Trick or Treat

We like the trick or treat at Waugh chapel because for whatever reason the week before Halloween is always nice weather and usually cold on Halloween. This year was no exception. Laneah was a day of the dead girl, Brooklyn was cat woman (the eye mask was really weird shaped and she didn't want to wear it) and Sawyer was the cutest little monster (some people thought dinosaur).

When he walked, his tail would swish from side to side. 

A lot of pictures I know, but all too cute not to put in my blog book. 

He wasn't quite sure what to do with the bag, but was all about the candy.

We met up with some friends.

After filling up the baskets, we went to dinner with friends and did a little shopping. It was a good night.
(These pictures are before the Halloween day at school, but I can't transfer them now, so it will have to wait until I do I blog book, which might be a few years since I am working on 2012 still, lol)