Sunday, December 20, 2015

Homestead Gardens and Santa

We went to visit Santa at Homestead Gardens. I convinced Laneah to see Santa again this year. She thought she was too old last year, so I was happy she decided to go again.
I love all of Homesteads decor.

Sawyer was fascinated by the train and wanted to watch with his big sisters.

The kids enjoyed a few rides while waiting for Santa.

It was in the same spot as last year so the sun was right in everyone's eyes which makes it hard for pictures. I thought Sawyer would cry so I let the girls up first so I could take a few pictures of them with Santa, but Sawyer demanded to get down, walked right up to Santa and held his arms out for Santa to pick him up!

Brooklyn asked me to take some pictures of her with this bird.

After looking at the decorated trees and all the other Christmasy things, we picked out our Christmas tree and headed home.