Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Sawyer 12-13 months

Unfortunatley, I did not document this month well...but here is what I can remember

Favorite song:
wheels on the bus- he loves this song and whenever he is upset, I can sing this and he will be happy

First trip to beach to eat sand and splash in the water;)

This is a picture I took right after I dropped both the girls off at school for the first time and Sawyer realized I was all his!! 
Whenever he sees any sunglasses or glasses, he wants to put them on. Same with hats.
Always chasing the cat. He is actually good with him though, pets pretty softly and Monty is good too and will let Sawyer pet him for a bit.
Having a blast in the car he got for his birthday from Nana and Papa. 

Enjoying Chuck E Cheese

Some sweetness with daddy.
His favorite place to play in the kitchen is with the tupperware and he likes to put the lid in his mouth and squish it up against his face and crawl around. 
He is a sweet, little squishy love bug!