Monday, October 24, 2011

First Field Trip: The Fire Station

Laneah had her first field trip and it was to the fire station to see the fire trucks and learn about fire safety. When we first got there, Brooklyn gave Laneah a big hug and then Laneah hugged her back. After fighting ALL morning (I am not kidding, they were rolling on the ground punching each other) they made up.
Laneah wanted to stand by her teacher, Ms Debbie for a little while.

The fire chief told the kids all about the fire truck.

Laneah finally got to go into the fire truck. 

This firefighter showed the kids the thermal scanner.
Laneah becoming an "honorary" fire fighter.

Brooklyn got a hat too.

After the tour inside the fire station it was snack time.
Brooklyn did not want to take her hat off all day.
After the fire station we went with some friends to Chick Fil-A.

Laneah loved her first field trip.


Heather said...

Punching each other? That made for a fun morning for you, right? They'll be BFF's one day...Heidi and I fought horribly when we were younger. Now I don't know what I would do without her. They really are so cute together.

Nana said...

Wonderful pictures! it looks like it was great fun! I sure do miss you all.Such lucky girls and such lucky parents! I love you all!