Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Boston Day 3: Boston Temple, Minute Man Trail, Katie's House

 Sunday was a laid back day. We slept in and then went to church. The church we went to (the same place the conference was at) was adjacent to the Boston temple, so we walked around the grounds after church.
 They had the most beautiful mums all over Boston.
 It is a beautiful temple with archways and intricate stained glass windows.

 It also had the largest angel Moroni I had ever seen.

 After the temple we went on the Minute Man Trail. We didn't walk the whole thing because it would have taken forever (it is 13 miles or so one way). We walked about 3 miles total, maybe a little more. It is also called Battle Road. It is where the first shots of the Revolutionary war were fired and the fight lasted the whole way into Boston. It is also where Paul Revere rode warning the people that the British were coming. 

The leaves were just starting to change and there were some pretty colorful groups of trees.
 I especially liked this view of the trees and their reflection on the water.

 One of the historical homes on the trail.
 The inn where Paul Revere stopped to rest. They also saw the British here and the fighting as well.

 They had Minute Men in costume and they told a little bit about what soliders did then and how they fought and then did a demonstration and shot off their guns.

 The lone colonial

 After we finished our hike we went to my friend Katie's house for dinner. She was a roommate of mine from college and we hadn't seen each other since. She is living near Boston while her husband completes his residency. She also has two adorable girls who were so excited to play with us. It did make me miss the girls but they were fun to play with.
 It was great catching up with Katie. You know friendship is good when you can start off right where you left, like no time had really passed.
 It was fun day and we loved seeing Katie and meeting her cute family.