Friday, October 21, 2011

Boston Day 4: Salem

On Monday we went to Salem. Our first stop was at the House of the Seven Gables, which inspired Nathaniel Hawthorne to write his book. (He also wrote The Scarlet Letter). The house was really cool inside and had a secret hidden staircase.
The gardens were beautiful and right on the water. Apparently in the 1600s and early 1700s Salem was a very busy and prosperous port. 

The oldest candy shop in America. 

Then we went to downtown and walked around. We went to the Salem Witch Museum which told us about the witch trials that happened there. 

I am covering her broom, but this was a pretty cool statue.
This is the only house that is still standing from the time of the witch trials. It belonged to one of the judges in the witch trials. 

Jason got pretty hungry... Inside they had a candy shop as well as ice cream. I had pumpkin ice cream. Yum.
We went to an old cemetery. The markings on the graves that you could see were very interesting. 

These Puritans were no joke. They would put you in the stocks for falling asleep in church (which was 8 hours long on Sundays), gossiping and other ridiculous things. 
The marketplace was fun. There were lots of people dressed up and cool shops full of regular tourist things as well as witch things.
Our last stop was at the harbor. 
It was really pretty there and we were so lucky that we had such nice weather while we were on our trip.
We saw this in Salem while we driving and I made Jason stop so I could take a picture. It was too funny.
We had a great time in Salem. It is actually a big town with lots to do. I am glad we went.