Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Angry Birds and Owls

We had a lot of birthday parties to attend in September. Two of them include really good friends born on the same day. Both had bird parties. Dallas turned 5 and wanted an Angry Birds party. His mom, Kami made these awesome angry bird cupcakes.
 And the kids loved them.
 Brooklyn making her angry bird face.
 I have never played the game, but Kami had ordered these cardboard bricks from online and the kids played a live version of the Angry Birds game.
For crafts they colored eggs. Brooklyn was very intense in her work:)
The other party was for my friend Jessica's daughter, Sienna, who just turned 1. Her party theme was owls. 
 The kids got to eat yummy food, hunt for eggs with goodies, and play. They had a great time.
 At first Sienna did not want the cake. Jessica tried to "show" Sienna how to eat the cake but taking a big bite of it sans fork. Brooklyn took the cue but Sienna didn't. Sienna eventually devoured her cake though.
 Jessica made these adorable treat bags for the kids. It kept Brooklyn occupied the whole car ride home.
It has been a fun birthday month!