Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fall Festival

We went to our annual free Fall Festival which we love. This year was great because my mom got to come with us, and not so great because it was randomly freezing. 
We got there in time for the last half of the magic show. The guy was really funny.
Laneah got chosen to come assist with a trick.
She was so surprised at first when the bunny appeared and then overjoyed. The video is priceless, if I can't figure out how to compress it for the blog I will put it on facebook. She is still practicing magic at home.
And of course Laneah had to get her face painted.
Brooklyn didn't want to cooperate for pictures, but she looked so cute in her ponytail and boots.
Pony rides is always a hit with Laneah.
Brooklyn got on the horse ok, but as soon as it started moving, she started crying and Jason had to take her off.
Laneah feeding the goat.
Brooklyn went crazy over all the puppies she saw.
There was also a car show there and someone had put this life size doll up on the car. Brooklyn thought she was a real girl and kept trying to play with her. She is such a social girl.
 These cute girls dressed up as clowns and handed out balloons to kids.
 Beautiful girl.
 Brooklyn having fun at lunch.
After lunch we had to leave because it was so cold. But it was still fun and we will be back next year:)
 Happy Fall!


Heather said...

LOVE Fall Festivals! And I love your hair cut--and entire outfit. Such a beautiful mama.

Kandice said...

Cute! Looks like fun. Sorry about the cold. And yes - love your hair cut.