Monday, October 31, 2011

October Happenings

May, October and December are the three busiest months of the year for me. I have already done lots of posts but there are a million other things that we did with cute pictures and I wanted to make sure that they ended up in my book. So here are a bunch of random things that we did in October.

The first weekend in October was general conference. My cousin Thomas and his family came up Sat night and Sunday. Saturday was Thomas' birthday so we had a little party for him.
Laneah and Maddison
I really wanted Laneah to listen to some of General Conference this year so I made these bowls of candy with pictures and a word (I saw the idea on a couple of different sites). Each time that word was said and you heard it, you got one piece of candy from the bowl with that word on it. It really motivated Laneah and Maddi(Thomas' daughter, 4) to listen.
For the adults we made this apple pie filling and cinnamon chips. Oh my gosh, it was amazing!!! If you want the recipe just leave me a comment with your email if I don't have it.
We finally went and saw Kidsinger Jim. Laneah had been begging to go again for months, but it just hadn't worked out. My mom was in town and got to come with us. They had a cute little station where you could make instruments and color your own paper guitar. 

The girls were jamming out as they were doing their crafts.
I love this video of Laneah; she looks so grown up.
We also went to Kinder Farm park with some friends. The park is great and the kids loved seeing all the different animals there. 

Laneah and I made ghost pizza for dinner one night. It was fun and yummy.

I went with my best friends Kami and Jessica to a spa. We had purchased facials through Groupon (love Groupon) and we used them to celebrate Kami's birthday. None of us had ever had facials and it was amazing. I got a pumpkin enzyme facial and my face was glowing. We had a great time. 

We went to a Halloween Party at the library. They had stories, songs, a craft and a costume parade.

 It SNOWED!!! I am so not ready for winter. Laneah loved it though. She played in it for a half an hour until it was time to go. 

 Laneah had her Halloween party at preschool. The kids were so cute. 
 They danced to Ghostbusters
My dad came to visit, or Papa as the girls call him. Brooklyn has such a special bond with my dad. Laneah loves him too, but like with all men, she is a little reserved. Brooklyn sometimes preferred Papa to me. The girls loved having him here and so did I.

 Brooklyn went to Lottie's Minnie Mouse birthday party. She was pretty grumpy because I had to wake her up early from her nap, but after she ate she had fun.

 My dad took us to lunch and the girls to ride the train on Saturday. We ride the train every time we go to the mall.

October is a fun month, but I am sure glad it is over. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Trunk or Treat

We go to Trunk or Treat every year at our church. This year was very well organized and they had separate areas for the younger and older kids with age appropriate games.
My little Princess Jasmine. 
For the younger kids they had a coloring table,
pumpkin bowling,
mummy wrap,

and donuts on a string. Cheater, cheater donut eater here. You weren't supposed to use your hands, but Laneah did. She isn't one for rules. 
They also had some little games with prizes. 
After games there was a costume parade. Brooklyn won best princess or cutest princess; something like that.  Then it was time for trunk or treat. Laneah couldn't wait. Of course she was scared by some of the decor and wouldn't go near certain cars. But they both got lots of candy and had lots of fun.

Brooklyn didn't want to wait to eat the candy. She would hand it to me to try and get me to open it instead of putting it in her bag. I let her have one sucker, but the rest went into the bag for later. 
It was a fun night; our ward did a good job this year!!!

Clarkland Farm

On Wednesday we went to one of my favorite places, Clarkland Farm. It is cheap and fun and the kids love it because there is so much to do. Our friends Jessica and Sienna came with us. 

We started in the Enchanted Forest. Brooklyn and Sienna sat on the wall next to Humpty Dumpty.
 My little Laneah has developed a fear of almost everything. It seems to be an age thing. But the statues were very real to her and that scared her. She said she wanted to take a picture with Papa Bear but when she sat down to take the picture she started crying. She was fine as long as she wasn't too close to them.
 She loved the shoe slide though.
 We rode the cow train and both the girls liked that. 

 The foliage was beautiful. I love fall. 

 The girls all wanted to take pictures in this pumpkin scarecrow. 

 It kept raining off and on but it wasn't too bad. They have lots of shelter so the one time it rained hard we ate lunch at one of the pavilions. After lunch we went on a hayride. This was all of the girls favorite part. 
 Too busy looking around to look at the camera:)
 When we first got there the farm was really crowded because there were lots of kids on field trips, but after lunch it cleared out and we pretty much had the place to ourselves. So we headed over to the animal part of the farm. Brooklyn loved these little chicks. I think she would have stared at them all day. She went to check them out several times. 
 One of the things I love about this farm is they have a pen that the kids can go in and pet a lot of different animals. 

 Brooklyn wanted to show Laneah the chicks. 
 Laneah got to ride a horse; Captain Jack. She told me after, "mom, he isn't really a captain, he didn't have an eyepatch". lol. But as always, she enjoyed the ride.

 Brooklyn didn't want to ride, but she did want to pet the horse. 

 They also got to pet this adorable fluffy bunny named Bob.

 The other animals are in pens that you can't go in but you can feed some of them and pet them if they stick their heads out. Brooklyn was trying to feed this sheep, but he was aggressive and grabbed her bag of cookies. She was not happy. I got it back and threw it away, thank goodness, I was so worried that the sheep would eat the plastic and get sick. It was pretty funny to everyone but Brooklyn. Luckily, Jessica had the same bag of cookies in her bag. Crisis averted. 
Then it was time to go. Sienna and Brooklyn were ready for their naps. We all had a great time.