Monday, February 1, 2016

Sawyer 17-18 months

Sawyer is such a sweet little man!

His favorite songs are "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Row Your Boat"
He likes to snack all day, and not eat meals
He likes to knock on doors in the house and say "hello, who's there"?
New favorite words are "no" and "mine"
He is starting to throw some tantrums
One of his favorite games to run and jump into my arms while I'm sitting on the ground. Then he backs up and runs and jumps in my arms again. I love it because I get big hugs every time. 
Still says "cup" for milk"
Always pushing every "butty" (button) he can find

He loves to play on my kindle. He has his own log in (a puppy) that has baby learning games on it.

The boy loves chips

Cutie pie running away from me naked with glee after bath time. 

He loves climbing, crawling and walking on the table because he's not supposed to :)

His little curls were cute, but getting to long. It was time to go to Aunt Jen to get a hair cut. I brought a lollipop and he did great. He tried to swat her hand away a couple of times, but mostly he was focused on his treat. 

Eating like a big boy with utensils. 

We just adore him!