Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Brooklyn at 1 Month

Weight: 9 lbs 1 oz- 50 percentile
Length: 21 inches- 50 percentile
Brooklyn is a little sweetheart. She is a good and content baby. She hardly ever cries and usually sleeps really well. She has bonded to me so well that she gets upset if I leave the room; even if she is sleeping, she knows. She loves to be held and to be lightly patted on her back. She enjoys her baths, especially when she gets her hair washed. She eats 4 oz about every three hours and I love kissing her chubby cheeks and her little dimples.

And the best news so far today is that we have been cleared to go home! It is still an at risk placement, but I am just happy to be able to leave Arizona for now and see my other little angel. Happy one month princess!


Melanie said...

I'm so happy you got her! I'll be keeping you in our prayers to make sure everything else goes smoothly. She's a beauty!

Al said...

she's so cute!!! i'm glad everything is finally working out :)

katie said...

I am SO SO excited for you and can't wait to meet your precious baby girl in person. I'm so glad everything worked out!

Typh said...

She is beautiful! I am so happy that things finally are settling out for your family!

lisa said...

So blessed. Thank you for letting us be part of this experience. It has strengthened our faith to see how strong and brave you and Jason are. Can't wait to see you and little Brooklyn.

Jen & Johnny said...

She is an absolute angel Rachel!! You guys are still in our thoughts and prayers! You guys are wonderful & we love you!!!

Caroline said...

She is so darling. I love her dark hair and olive complexion. Happy 1 Month!

Korine said...

What a beautiful baby girl to add to your family. How blessed she is to have a family who loves her so immensely, instantly! Good luck to you all - she needs you as much as you need her.

Kami said...

She is beautiful! I just want to come over every day and get my baby fix! Glad to have you home, hon!