Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oh That Hair!

This little girl of mine has gone from one crazy hair style to the next! First, all of her sweet baby hair fell out except for the "mullet" (one strip of dark hair across the back of her head). Then, with the mullet still in place, fuzzy blond "duck hair" started growing and growing, and grew straight up. Then the last of her baby hair, the mullet, fell out, leaving her with an asymmetrical looking bob in the back. Now her hair is so long, that it curls backwards! It is so funny, I think it looks like Sonic the Hedgehog. Nothing will tame this girls hair, I'm serious. I have tried gel and wax a couple of times, and it didn't take more than a few minutes for it stand right back up. At Megan's wedding, I put wax stuff in her hair and she kept grabbing her hair and pulling it straight up or outwards. By the end of the day, it was all over the place! Jason loves it though. Everywhere I go, people go on and on about her hair. You would not even believe how many people ask me if I style it that way. Someone even asked me if I curled it! Seriously, I don't know if these people are really digging her hair or not, because I'm not a fan. Don't get me wrong, Laneah is hands down the most gorgeous baby there is, but this hair business has got to end! (BTW I am being over dramatic on purpose for those of you who don't know me well) I am beginning to wonder if it will ever lay down............

Anyway, here are some pictures of my beautiful baby rockin' her crazy hair


Giron Family said...

OMGosh, I'm tearing up! Sonic the Hedgehog! That is so funny. Her hair is CRAZY. I feel like all babies go though this stage though. You should try to do cute piggies with her hair. It looks long enough.
Her cute face makes her crazy hairstyles look cute anyhow.

Heather said...

That IS some crazy hair! Nonetheless, she is absolutely adorable. I would try the Pebbles hairstyle or maybe some pigtails high up. Gymboree has the cutest hairbows that I put over the hair tie.

Jeremy and Jessica said...

SO, I'm on your blog finally, and I'm reading about the hair style I love so much. Why should it ever end? And where is the costume vote thing??? I hate computers, I hate technology... I'm getting off now. U happy?

Jeremy and Jessica said...

BY the way, Punky Brewster is Jessica PRICE.. yeah, once again I didn't know this blog stuff wouldn't show my real name. I thought it was "code" when I first set it up... ok, I'm done.

Katie said...

Rachel she is so cute! I remember when Mia's hair would stand straight up, LOL, I tried gel too! I used to just clip the front down in a side part and let the rest stick up...or I would pull just the front straight back into a clip and let the rest stick up. It'll get easier when she gets a little more hair in the front. I know, you need to get her one of my headbands with a big flower on it! ;-)

Anonymous said...

HEY RACH! am i still a loser? lol. laneah is so BIG now! and she has tons of crazy hair! i cant believe it! i cant wait to see her in person again! itll be so much fun! oh my date was on friday and it was quite amazing:)

Anonymous said...

Oh Rachel I'm dying! That's hillarious. She still looks very cute though.
I swear baby hair is the bane of my existance 1/2 of the time. I don't know why we even bother.

Anonymous said...

Laneah's hair gives her personality! She is the most adorable baby ever. When I come to visit I'm going to have so much fun fixing her hair in "Nana Do's"

Unknown said...

HAHA! That is some crazy rockstar hair she has! Funny stuff.