Saturday, February 6, 2016

Old San Juan

We had one full day in San Juan. In the morning, we went to Old San Juan. We started at El Morro, which is an old fort, now National Park. The views were spectacular. 

Do you see the big iguana in the background?

The fort was massive and we only explored some of it. It was very hot, and Laneah was miserable so we went in search of some refreshing drinks and found a shaved ice cart. We relaxed in front of a beautiful fountain while we ate our shaved ice. 

We only had a half day to spend in Old San Juan because we wanted to spend some time at the resort beach and pool. Of course, I had a list of things I wanted to do and mapped out our walking path so we could hit the highlight of Old San Juan. 

This is the last remaining city gate wall. You can walk outside the enormous wall that took centuries to build and surrounds part of the old city. 

There were feral cats all over the city, even statues of cats. 

A partial view of the fort from down below. 

I loved all the rich and vibrant colors around the Old city.

One of the old cathedrals in the city.

Raices Fountain

Our last stop was for lunch at Barrachina's, which lays claim to inventing the Pina Colada. 

The rest of the day was spent at the resort in the sand, sun and pool.