Monday, February 29, 2016


After a week away from Sawyer, we were so happy to be back with him! 

Laneah was very happy to be reunited with her BFF, Ezra.
This is Laneah to a T. I was cracking up so hard when I read her answer.
For Valentine's Day, Laneah made us heart waffles and it was so sweet and delicious. 

We went to my sister's in Virginia to celebrate Benjamin's 2nd birthday. 
He adores Laneah

The little cousins playing together.

Mommy and daughters date to Red Robin.
Sharing a snack
Laneah and another BFF, Scarlette.
We went to Yard's Park to see an art exhibit of glowing giant bunnies and blocks. 

It was tough coming back to the cold after the cruise. On to warmer months!