Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Disney Cruise Day 4

Our 4th day of the cruise was our day at sea. Unfortunately it was rainy and a little chilly, but with Disney, it didn't matter because there was still so much to do and see. After breakfast, we had some characters to visit. 

The girls had fun playing shuffle board.

Laneah telling a joke.."what does Elsa do with a balloon? Let it go!"

We saw The Good Dinosaur in 3D

Dinner was at Tritons again. Brooklyn and Crew (the Butterfields youngest boy) being goofy at dinner. 

A visit with Donald. 

Another amazing night show. Afterwards, the kids went to the kids club for a "campout", they went on the top deck under the stars and even made smores! Jason and I went with Jen and Johnny to 90s trivia game. 

(The following pictures are for the next night)
