Wednesday, September 19, 2012

City Park

St Louis has a lot of wonderful things to do that are free. I really like the City Park. They have lots of fountains and splash parks that you can get in and fun art sculptures that you can play in. 

Laneah never misses any opportunity to get wet. 

Laneah with her favorite person. 

Brooklyn didn't want to get in the water at first, then of course when we were getting ready to leave, she gets in and sits down. So we stayed another 15 minutes so she could play in the water too since she was already wet. 

You can get to the middle of the fountains and barely get your feet wet. 
After the fountains we went to pick up my dad from his work; he works right in downtown St Louis. My dad wanted to show the girls the koi fish pond. You walk on rocks to get to a patio right in the water and they have a box full of fish food so you can feed the fish. There were so many fish in there! The girls really liked feeding the fish. 

This is my last vacation post can you believe it?


Lea Tame said...


Nana said...

I wish you could be here all the time! I love you all!