Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Grants Farm and Suson Park

While in St Louis we went to Suson Park which is a cute little park that also has a pond and animals. The girls love it there. 

And of course we did Grant's Farm. It is another free activity that is lots of fun. The tram ride takes you around the property and you get to see lots of animals.
Then it drops you off in the middle of the property where there are shows, animals, food and a carousel. Laneah had to ride this dragon; she let other people on before her so she could be first in line to get on the dragon the next time.  
I don't like feeding the goats, they are so aggressive. My dad held Laneah and Drew held Brooklyn and I ran interference because these goats see the milk bottles and go crazy and they will knock you down. One of them took Laneah's shoe and ran off with it. I had to chase it down! 

It is a little safer to feed them on the other side of the fence. 

Brooklyn wanted to eat her snow cone with her hands. And she would not share with anyone. She was a mess. 
The girls got to pet this giant turtle. 
Grant's Farm is always a good visit.


Nana said...

That was sure a crazy day! I sure miss you all!