Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Sawyer 18-19 months

"I get it" 
"hugs" for up, hold me and hugs
Calls Laneah, "aneah" 
Always wants his stuffed animals surrounding him
Going through a hitting phase
Picky eating continues
Favorite songs include 'Popcorn Popping' and 'I am a Child of God'
Asks for chocolate and candy all the time
Climbs on the table
Likes playing in the kitchen and with toy food
Likes dolls
Loves going on walks
He calls for his daddy and sisters, especially when we are outside "Dad! Where are you?! Dad!" 
Peeking through the blinds to watch what is happening outside
"Eww guck!" whenever anything gets on his hands 
Favorite show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Whenever he falls or gets hurt he says "I okay" 

Some pretend play

Still loves peek-a-boo and chasing games

I can't believe he is already a year and a half! He such a sweet little boy!