Saturday, December 31, 2016


The kids using Jenga blocks to make dominos. 
When we went to St Louis, we stopped at a hotel. The girls thought that it was super posh. All the kids loved the pool. 

Sawyer looked like a little man after the pool. Jason wrapped his towel around him like this and he strutted around the hotel. 

Brooklyn's reindeer footprint art from school. 
Ezra's birthday was a fairy garden party at Homestead Gardens. Laneah really liked it and each of the girls brought home a pretty fairy garden. 

Alex flew in a few hours after we got to St Louis and the girls made him this sign on his door.
Alex got Laneah this giant gummy bear for her birthday. 
December was packed with activities, birthdays, work and traveling but it was also packed with lots of fun.