Saturday, July 16, 2016

Gator Beach, Harbor Walk, and Pancakery

Laneah wanted to eat at Fudpucker's again and feed the alligators. 

Jason and I took the kids to the Harbor Walk Village. 
We got some smoothies and Sawyer sucked his down. 
Train ride through the village.

Sawyer got a balloon animal and the girls did a jumpy trampoline thing. 

 And then we had to leave:( We had breakfast with everyone before we left. My parents took the girls back to St Louis with them, so Jason and I just had Sawyer for almost 2 weeks. 

We can't wait to go back to Destin again!


Kandice said...

ACK! Love all these updates and pictures. So fun to have you over. Maybe next time we will follow you down to Destin. We love that area.