Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sawyer 1-2 months

At Sawyers 1 month appointment he weighed 8lbs, 6ozs, and was 21 3/4 inches long. At his 2 month appointment he was 10lbs, 10ozs and 22 inches long.

He is so active. He rolled from tummy to back at 5 weeks; at his 1 month check up no less. The doctor put him on his tummy and he rolled right over. He has a perfect round head but it is bigger than his body so he was a little bobblehead for a while but his neck has gotten much stronger. Sawyer is a mover; always fidgeting and squirming. It is amazing the changes that one month can bring. He is so happy and content. He knows his mommy and daddy and ADORES his sisters. He tracks them constantly and loves when they talk to him. He loves being naked or just in his diaper and really loves his bath time. He started smiling socially at about 6 1/2 weeks and hasn't stopped. He likes being in his swing but screams the moment I put him in his carseat and usually cries the whole time he is in the car. If he does happen to fall asleep in the car, the moment the car stops for any reason, he wakes up and starts where he left off. He has a temper and goes from 0 to 60. One minute he is happy and the next he is wailing like "why isn't there a bottle in my mouth??!!" He gets bright red in seconds and balls up his fists and he gets so mad that he starts sweating! lol. I'm sure it wont' be funny when is a toddler, but for now his temper is amusing. He was eating about 2-3ozs every 2 hours and about 10 weeks he starting sleeping a little more at night, but not much. He already fights sleep, but he loves to be swaddled at night.
He coos all the time. He makes eye contact and is very alert for his age. He loves when you talk to him and he talks right back. I've never seen a baby "sing" before, but when I sing to him he coos right along like he is singing. The song he likes most is Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. 
I am in LOVE with this baby, possibly obsessed;) He is the sweetest!! 

First Sunday