Saturday, October 4, 2014

Gotcha Day!!!

On September 2nd, the 30 days was up!!!! We went to the agency in the afternoon. My mom and brother were watching the girls. It wasn't official until the courts closed at 4:30 so we had to stay until then. My dad was able to come with us to see Sawyer for a few minutes on his way to his business trip in PA.

And then finally 4:30 came and went and we signed a few papers and went on our way.

 His coming home outfit.
 We hadn't told the girls about Sawyer. They knew were adopting and that we could get a baby anytime. They helped us put together the nursery and get ready, but they didn't know any details. When we got home, I went in first and told the girls we had a surprise for them. They sat on the couch with their eyes closed while Jason brought Sawyer in. When they opened their eyes they were couldn't believe it. "Is he ours?", We get to keep him?!!!", "He's so cute!"

 Pure joy

Checking out his new crib.

Such a happy, happy day.