Sunday, November 2, 2014

Peppa Pig

My girls love a show called Peppa Pig and I know I've mentioned on this blog that our mall rocks and has all kinds of great family events. They have been having popular tv characters come visit the mall for meet and greets with kids. Mostly they have been on Sunday or we have been busy but this one was on Saturday (September 20th) and in the morning before I had to work so it was perfect. As usual, they had great (and free) face painting. I stood in line with Sawyer for Peppa while Jason took the girls to get their faces painted. 

 While we were in line, people from the mall handed out these cute pig snouts. Laneah decided to be grumpy for a little bit. 
 I wouldn't let the girls put it directly on Sawyer, but let them hold it at an angle to see what it would look like. 
And then it was our turn to see Peppa. 

The girls wanted to ride the big Cheetah while we were there. 
Jason had Sawyer "fly" next to them for a bit and the girls thought it was so funny.

And then we finished our mall visit with a delicious trip to Cafe Rio. 
It was a great family outing.