Saturday, October 4, 2014

Sawyer Kaleo Carter

Sawyer was born Friday, August 1st. He was 5lbs, 15ozs and 19 inches long. We didn't get to see him at the hospital but we sent the birth mother flowers and through the agency we were sent the following text: "He's beautiful. Healthy. He's got 2 sets of parents that love him and he's gonna have a great, happy life. So it's worth the pain". Amazing!!!! Birth parents are so awesome. 
The birth parents signed the papers that Sunday and we got to meet with the agency director and meet Sawyer for the first time. Of course it was love at first sight. He was perfect; this tiny little bundle of joy.

Because of Maryland law, the birth parents had 30 days from signing to revoke their consent and take him back, no questions asked. Since we already had kids, our agency would not let us have him for those 30 days and he had to go to what is called Cradle Care. He stayed with an agency approved woman for that time. The 30 days was rough. Being away from him and knowing that at any second he could be taken back.....
The good news is that we did get to visit him. The first visit was to his first doctors appointment which happened to be August 4th. He had lost a little weight, which is normal, down to 5lbs, 8ozs. I got to feed him for the first time in the waiting room.

After the dr visit, we were able to spend more time with him at the agency office. It was so wonderful just to hold him and love on him. 

Look at how tiny he is!

Our next visit was August 13th and he weighed in at 6lbs, 5ozs. He was much more alert and even awake for a little while. 

We got to see him twice more in that 30 days. 

Sleepy smiles

Then it was just a few days left!!!!