Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

On April 12th we got together with our awesome neighbors and had an Easter egg hunt. My brother Alex was still here and my brother Andrew flew in the night before so they were both able to come to the egg hunt with us. Jason had to work, so it was great for the girls to have their uncles to play with. 

 The uncles coming in handy to get the eggs hidden high up in the trees.

 As always, egg hunts are over quickly. 
 But wait a minute...Laneah found the golden ticket! 
Her prize was this huge orange egg. 
 And inside was....

A Rita's gift card (a frozen custard and gelati place). Laneah loves it there. 
She promptly said she wanted to take her best friend Ezra with her when we use the gift card. 

 Alex and Andrew both have GO Pros and were filming the whole event. 

 After the kids dissected their eggs, we all had donuts and milk. 

 Then we had to head back to load up the car and drive to Virginia. 

I really love our neighborhood. 


Nana said...

I'm so glad Alex and Andrew were able to be there. It looks like it was very fun!