Sunday, May 4, 2014


On April 12th, we headed to Virginia for a family reunion to see my nephew's blessing. Baby Benjamin was cool as a cucumber with his sunglasses. He looks like a little Elvis with his hair and he makes a spot on facial expression. 
Alex, Andrew, the girls and I met up with the rest of the clan, Jacob, Norma, Christy, Jereme, Benjamin, and mom and dad, for family pictures (Jason ended up having to work and wasn't able to make the trip) and then went to Texas Roadhouse which inevitably led to me eating like 10 of their delicious rolls!
 The first night we stayed in a hotel and the girls played in pool with Uncle Alex. I got in my suit but the "heated" pool was cold and even the hot tub was luke warm. The girls didn't mind though. 

 Alex and Drew brought their longboards and took the girls riding with them. Uncles are the best!
 Sunday was the blessing day. 
 My sister and nephew. 
 Nana photo bomb. 
 The happy new family.
 The Dixon/Carter/Conley family
 Proud Papa

 The blessing was beautiful and it was great to be with the family.


Nana said...

So wonderful to be with all our kids and grand kids!Benjamin is so so so adorable!