Thursday, April 10, 2014


March kicked off with a snowstorm and school got cancelled. Since the girls were going to miss their school Dr Seuss parties, I decided to have our own. We had green eggs for breakfast, which were somehow better than any eggs they have ever tasted, lol. 
Then we read a few Dr Seuss books and played corresponding games. For Green Eggs and Ham, the girls had rhyming puzzle eggs that they had to match. And for The Foot Book, I drew an outline of their feet and they cute them out and then measured them using pennies. 

Laneah lost her third tooth. She was thrilled that it fell out at school and she got to go the nurse and get a special box for her tooth and pick a prize.

We took the girls to a members only evening at the aquarium. They have so much fun there.

We watched a 4 D movie there and the girls were hysterical. It was a cartoon about jellyfish and at one point a streamer blew out from under the chair tickled our legs and the girls screamed and then laughed. 
I finished our Adoption scrapbook for the agency and that was a huge relief to get done. 
We met our newest nephew, Benjamin. He is precious. 
And celebrated our nephew Anthony's 9th birthday.
We went to the Amish market and stocked up on delicious donuts and pretzels. Not to mention all the cheese samples and fresh fruit. Yum!
We had lots of visitors in March, including Laneah's biological grandmother, Marlene. She is half Filipino and made us some delicious Filipino food.  
We did lots of fun crafts. 

Laneah's best friend Ezra broke her leg, and Laneah has taken the role of best friend and helper very seriously. She is a great friend. 
More snow!!! Yuck. 

We went to the Disney store to get new dresses for our upcoming trip to Disney World. 

This time the girls will be earning their souvenir money for Disney World. I printed off "disney dollars" and as they earn them they put the money in their jars. 
I have been obsessed with Nutella. I made these nutella cinnamon rolls. A-mazing! 
The girls got their costumes for dance. We can't wait for the recital. 
I have been trying to get the girls to help me cook so they can know how too and enjoy it. Brooklyn likes it a lot. 
Laneah isn't usually too enthusiastic about it but was very into personal pizza night. She loves to make dough because she gets to punch it;) 

March was a cold month, but we still managed to have lots of fun. 


Nana said...

Love you all!