Saturday, June 15, 2013

Strawberry Picking

On May 31st we went strawberry picking. It was really hot and humid even though it was early when we went. Brooklyn helped me pick some, but Laneah was hot and itchy and only picked what she wanted to eat right then and there. Laneah ate the first strawberry and gave me a thumbs up since they were so fresh and yummy. 

I wanted to get enough to make jam and strawberry shortcake and leftovers to eat so it took a while. (Note: next time I will go by myself) I thought the girls would enjoy it, but they did not. 
Laneah sat in the barn for the last 15 minutes I picked, she was too hot and itchy and it was much cooler in the barn. But after cooling off and seeing the chickens she was eager to help carry the strawberries to the car. 

Once we got home we only had 20 minutes before we had to pick up my mom from the airport. I was so glad I had time to take another quick shower. I did not expect to get so sweaty and dirty! Later that day Brooklyn helped me make strawberry jam. 

It turned out delicious!
It was worth it for the jam; but next year the kids will stay home, lol. 


Nana said...

The jam was very good! I had fun playing with the girls while you made you jam.