Wednesday, June 12, 2013


On April 24th, we went to Storyville, which is a free children's play museum at a library in Woodlawn. I was pleasantly surprised at how clean and nice it was. It was also great because of the set up; the kids could play in the different areas and be safe. 
They had a cute little post office where you could sort mail and also take mail to the different mailboxes  around Storyville.
The grocery section is always Brooklyn's favorite. 
We met Laneah's "cousins" there. (They are Jason's cousins kids so we just call them cousins). 
The kids liked the train.
Their favorite spot was this life size story book where you could dress up and make up stories. You could turn the pages; they had 4 different backgrounds. 

They all took turns being the princess and after the mean witch (usually me or Amanda) put the princess to sleep, the "prince" would wake them with a kiss. Laneah woke up Brooklyn which I thought was super sweet. 
Cute Logan shaking the maracas. 
There was an adorable little puppet theatre. I put on a show for Brooklyn and she put on a show for me as well. We did the story of the three little pigs. 
They had a few other rooms, a treehouse, and a little two story house to play in. And being a library, they also had a fun little room full of books. Tessa and Laneah had me read stories to them for a good 20 minutes, which was great. It was a bit of a drive, but well worth it. We will definitely come back to this place.