Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Brooklyn at 3 years, 5 months

Brooklyn is my little angel. She is sweet and funny and so much fun to have around. She is talking up a storm and she has the cutest little voice. People always comment on how sweet it is. Some of my favorite things she says are:

*"I don't can't"
*"wah wee pop" lollipop
*"tinkle tinkle" Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
*"don't leaves me!"- if we are out and she doesn't want to keep moving all I have to say is "I'm leaving!" I love that it works, because Laneah never fell for it. 
*"I loves you mommy" the sweetest words ever and usually accompanied with hugs and kisses.
*"sentence" This is funny to me. Sometimes she says big words that she doesn't know the meaning of and says them randomly. Sentence is one of her favorites. 
*Brooklyn sings all the time now. Her favorite songs to sing are "ABCs" and "Twinkle Twinkle" but she sings along in the car to the songs on the radio. If she likes a song and you change the station, she will let you know you need to turn it back. 

*She is still very affectionate and I am so grateful for that. 

*Brooklyn sucks her thumb all the time still.

*She likes to dress fancy, but will wear pants and shorts as well. And she committed a sin (of mommy's anyway) Socks with sandals. Yikes! Lets hope that never happens again. 
*She has created a "Diaper monster". She puts a diaper or pull up on her head and runs around trying to scare you. But since she can't see she is always running into things and then laughing really hard. 
*She has such a fun and silly sense of humor. And she will do something over and over again to get a laugh. 

*Brooklyn would like for me to read to her for hours. I can't blame her since I love to read myself. Her favorite books are the Fancy Nancy books. She is the perfect Fancy Nancy. 
*She is starting to show more independence. She prefers the big swings now. 

*The little stinker is giving me a hard time potty training. She has been going pee on the potty for months, is dry all night, but refuses to go poop on the potty and I don't know why. I have tried everything. It is getting ridiculous. 
*The side shrug on the right is one of her favorite poses. She does it when she is trying to be "cute".
*Brooklyn compliments people all the time: "I like your hair", "I like your shirt"; you name it. 
*She is a big fan of Barbie. She started early because Laneah loves Barbie so much, but Brooklyn enjoys the books and the movies. Her favorite is the Barbie Princess and the Popstar movie. She gets on her Barbie dress, gets Laneah's microphone stand set up and jams out. 
*Her favorite game to play is freeze tag. But really any chasing or running game is the best. Another game she likes to play is "Cheese burger shop". She likes to make "food" for people, and making cheeseburgers is her most common. She also likes her legos and her backpacks full of odds and ends. 

With her sparkly eyes, dimples and sweetness I could just go on forever. I wish I could pause time! I love her so much. 


Heather said...

What a sweetheart. I think the shrug pose is pretty stinkin cute, too. What do you think about the Barbie movies/books? I hate them! I dread having to read them every time Isabella picks one out at the library.

You'll gave a good shopping buddy in Brooklyn, considering that she's so complimentary. :) I love these updates.