Thursday, June 6, 2013

Laneah at 5 1/2

Laneah is smart and beautiful. She is full of questions and endless curiosity.
*Her favorite show is Phineas and Ferb. 

*We are learning the articles of faith and she has memorized the first 6. 

*She calls scribbling "scribble scrabble"

*Laneah is a sassy thing. She already talks like a teenager: "I'm so jealous!" and "Blah, blah, so what?" are just a few things I hear everyday. The attitude is hard.

*Everyday I tell a few special things "You are smart, you are beautiful, you are important, I love you and most importantly, you are a daughter of God". 

*She likes when I sing the chorus of You are so Beautiful to her. 

*Laneah's cousin Anthony brought over a cup stacking game a few months ago and she decided she wanted to do it too so she got into some plastic cups we had leftover and stacks a ton of cups.
*Laneah loves her cousins. In this picture Laneah and Anthony had a pretend sleep over.
*Laneah spends a lot of time drawing and writing. It is the only thing that I have seen her do where she is really focused.
                     a picture of her as a cowgirl on her horse. 
Scooby and the gang
*At preschool the kids all played boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife. Laneah's "boyfriend" was usually a little boy named Danny, but one time she got mad at him and she "broke up" with him and got a new boyfriend. But made up with Danny the next day. Seriously! This is preschool we are talking about. Kids grow too fast. I was not prepared for this. 

*Laneah still likes a good face paint.
*Laneah finished another gymnastics class. Her cartwheels are pretty good and she is working on handstands and flips. 

*This girl loves horses.
*From March until the middle of May poor Laneah has the worst allergies. I think it is Ash pollen because by mid May, even though the pollen count is still high, Ash pollen is gone and so are her allergies. She is miserable though and she has to take so much medicine. I am glad it is only a few months of the year.

*She likes to make up her own sign language.

*Laneah has such great friends. 
*She is getting big and strong. She can pump on the swings and get all the way across the monkey bars.

*One of her favorite games to play is Tic Tac Toe. She loves playing on my kindle and I have the kids free time that is full of kids games and books and secure with no ads or internet access. 
*She is very creative. Unfortunately her adventures are usually messy. In this picture Laneah hosted a cooking class.

*I started her in private swim lessons and she is doing extremely well. She can swim by herself pretty far and is learning how to do the back stroke.

*She is so great with babies. Which is funny because she doesn't like baby dolls but real babies she loves to hold them and play with them. I can't wait to give her a new brother or sister.

*Laneah is very dramatic. A few weeks ago she got mad over something silly, like cleaning her room, and packed her bags to "run away". It was raining so she got her princess umbrella. She waited outside in the parking lot like a bus was going to come pick her up or something, lol. After about 10 minutes she calmed down and came back inside. 

*She is always saying the funniest things. One day her upper lip hurt and she yelled "my mustache is hurting me!". And the other day after making this picture on her magna doodle, she said "mom take a picture and put it on pinterest so everyone can say 'wow! I can't believe a 5 year old did that!'" (it is a roller coaster)
*We have been doing mommy/daughter dates and daddy/daughter dates with Laneah now. Jason took her to eat Chinese food one day and then get ice cream. 

This little teenager drives me crazy sometimes but she can be so sweet my heart melts and I sure love her!


Heather said...

Oh my gosh, the story of her waiting in the rain has me in stitches! What an adorable, dramatic little princess. Life is never dull in your house, is it? When our kids are grown, promise me that we'll take a girls weekend somewhere and laugh over the drama our girls have put us through, OK?