Wednesday, June 26, 2013


May is always a fun a busy month with my birthday, mother's day and Jason and my anniversary. I love all the flowers and warmer weather. Although this year took a while to warm up. The first weekend of May my best friends took me out for my birthday. We drove 1 1/2 hours to my favorite restaurant Bravo. It is in a giant shopping center and so we did some shopping as well. It was such a fun night. And though it seems like a long drive, we love it because it gives us lots of time to talk. (really it's never enough:)
Kami, Jessica and Teresa. 
My actual birthday was low key. My mother in law took me to lunch which was nice and Jason took Laneah and Brooklyn to Charming Charlies to pick out gifts and gift cards and also brought back ice cream cupcakes. Yummy. 
On May 10th, we attended Jason's grandmother's 75th surprise birthday party. It was wonderful. She was completely surprised and was so happy. She is an amazing woman and we love her. 
They even had an Elvis impersonator come and sing. It was awesome.

Laneah with her Aunt Danielle.
Brooklyn tried her hardest to blow out the candles. Laneah took this picture with my phone, she is pretty good.
Mother's day was great as always. I am so grateful to be a mother and am so grateful to my daughter's birth mothers for this gift. Laneah made me a few things in preschool.

I caught them snuggling with daddy. (Hey wait, isn't mother's day? lol) But I am so glad they have such a great dad. 
On May 11th (I know this was the day before mother's day but it is such a pain to move all these pictures around;) my sister and brother-in-law came to visit. We went to a free block party. It was fun. They had free pizza, ice cream, french fries, games, prizes, music, moon bounces and more. 

After the party we went to the mall to check out the new food court and aquarium tanks they installed. The tv show Tanked came and put them in and the episode aired in early June. There are two tanks and you can eat at the table built around them and watch the fish.

Laneah insisted on going to Charming Charlies while we were there based on the fact that she "loves their chandeliers!". She loaded up on accessories. 
I love this picture of her checking herself out. 

This was funny. We passed the big fountain in the mall and the girls kept digging into Jason's pockets for money. Watch out boys, we have a couple gold diggers;)
We got our first Kiwi Crate in the mail and we love it. The crafts were all about birds and one of the crafts was to make bird masks and wings. The best part of Kiwi Crate is they send you everything you need to complete it, including the glue, velcro dots, etc.

My rose bush bloomed!
Laneah and I went on a few mommy daughter dates. 
We went to the mall for a play date. We were supposed to go to the park, but the weather did not comply so we went to the mall instead and got frozen yogurt and went to the play area. 
Laneah found some new tennis shoes while we were there. 
Jason's mom took us to play "putt putt" as she likes to call it. Laneah is getting better. Brooklyn would just put her ball right next to the hole and tap it in;)

Our anniversary was great. We went to the temple like we do every year and then ate at Cafe Rio for lunch. 

And those are the highlights of May:)


Heather said...

You look so beautiful in these photos. I especially love your anniversary outfit. I'm happy that you have a little shopping buddy; it's one of the things I love about having girls. Caden grumbles the entire time we're out somewhere--unless you're in the toy section. :) I think of you every time I pass the Bravo's in Zona Rosa.

Nana said...

You are so pretty! You are so blessed to have such a beautiful family! I'm so blessed because of all of you!