Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Family Christmas Pictures

We had family photos done to make a Christmas card this year and the pictures turned out pretty good. I was happy because I FINALLY got a picture of the girls together and both smiling! I was surprised because the girls were not very cooperative. And the best part was that I had an amazing deal so it was almost free for the session and all our pictures.

And this is a copy of our Christmas card this year.


Kandice said...

Beautiful!! I love your colors. Where did you get them taken?

Laura and Chris said...

great pictures! love them.

Rachel said...

Kandice- I got them at Kiddie Kandids; they are at some Babies R Us locations.

Nana said...

Great pictures! I love you all!

Heather said...

These turned out great! You, of course, look gorgeous, and I love the girls' big smiles! I'm so looking forward to receiving a card. :)