Saturday, December 17, 2011

Brooklyn at 23 months

This is Brooklyn's last month as 1 year old!!!:( She is growing up so fast.

*She is still a picky eater. She loves Nutri Grain bars, eggs, blueberry waffles, fruit and any kind of candy. She is so happy when she gets chocolate.
 *Her new words/sayings are "choo choo" for the train, she says "oooo" like a ghost when you turn off the lights, "hide", "pea boo" for peekaboo, "ta da", "poo poo" for potty time, and she says "shooo" for shoe. And her very favorite word is "No!" She says it so cute though that it is usually pretty funny.
*Brooklyn loves wearing mittens and winter hats. She doesn't care for coats though. She fights me tooth and nail when I try to get her 
dressed; unless it is a dress up outfit.

 *Brooklyn is very independent. She can play by herself most of the time, she just likes me to be in the same room. She doesn't like anyone to help her with anything. She wants to do it all herself. Stubborn little thing.
*One of her favorite games is putting her hand inside her sleeve and pretend that it is gone. I make a big deal out of it and she thinks it is the funniest thing ever. The downside is that she likes to play it for a long time. It is still cute though.
*She loves being the center of attention and wants everyone watching her. She tries to make people laugh and when she is being "cute" she looks at everyone with a big smile to make sure they are paying attention to her.
 *Brooklyn is my reader. She will bring me book after book to read, and sometimes she will look through them herself. 
 *She likes to sit on the potty. She will take me to the bathroom, point to the little toilet seat and she has me take off her diaper so she can sit on the potty. She doesn't understand yet what to do; that pee and poo go in the potty, she just sits on the potty for a minute and then reaches for the toilet paper and wipes herself and flushes. She just likes to do it because we all do it, and I don't mind because it is good for her to get used to it for when she is ready to potty train. 

 *Brooklyn is a dancer. She loves dresses and tutus that she can dance and twirl in. I love these pictures of her dancing. She is adorable.

 *She loves to dress up and wear all of our shoes. Here she is wearing my Uggs. Jewelry, purses, and anything girly are her favorite things to play with.
  *Brooklyn loves to copy her big sister. They got into the jewelry bucket (yes, it is a bucket) before church and decked themselves out. In this picture Brooklyn is trying to pose like Laneah. Too cute!
Her favorite song is popcorn popping. She makes the popcorn hand motion and says "pop pop pop". Love it!
Brooklyn is a sweetheart but we have definitely hit the terrible twos. She is not making life easy right now, but hopefully as she learns to communicate better and control her emotions, it will get better. At least I have to tell myself that:) She is so fun though and I love being her mommy! 


Heather said...

Two girly girls? Tell Jason that he might need to pick up a second job! :) Ugh, the terrible 2's. Caden put us through the ringer for months... Brooklyn is beautiful and such a happy girl. I can't believe that she's almost 2. And that you have to plan another party!