Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hawaii- Oahu Day 4

Day four found us eating breakfast at the Hukilau Cafe in Laie. I had their delicious coconut pancakes and Jason had the Loco Moco.
 After breakfast, we headed over to the temple grounds. The Laie temple is beautiful. We went to the visitor's center and hiked the grounds behind the temple that at the top shows the view of all of Laie and the ocean of course.

 Laneah got to ride on Uncle Alex's moped all day and she loved it.
 We drove around campus to see how it had changed and went by our old houses. It was so fun. I wish we'd had more time to look around. 

Next we went to the Polynesian Cultural Center. 

Brooklyn had fallen asleep in the car on the way so I stayed in the car for a few hours with her while she slept. When she woke up, I took her inside and was there for all of 15 minutes before Laneah started crying and saying she wanted to nap in the car. So I took her all the way to car and once she was in the car she just wanted to play. So I took her back inside and by this time it was 3:30 and we only had time for one village show before the luau. We went to the Samoa village, which is my favorite. Laneah got this tattoo. I love this picture because she looks so tough:)
 The Samoan "chief"
 Brooklyn was happy because she just had some yummy snacks.

 Laneah wanted to go up and meet the chief after the show.
 He tried to get her to do the shaka, but she couldn't do it so they made this sign instead.
 We tried to get a family picture in front of the waterfall, but no dice.
 So we got one of just Jason and I.
 Then we went to the luau. They had pork, chicken, fish, taro rolls, coconut cake and more. It was pretty good food, better than I remembered. We all got leis when we entered the luau.

 They played live music and had a show. Laneah danced with Poppa a lot that night.
 King Kamehameha and his royal court.
 For the last song they invited all the kids to come on stage and dance with them. Laneah and Blake went up on the stage and were very excited.

After the luau we went to the shopping area and looked around and then headed to the night show. Laneah and Brooklyn stayed awake for the whole show (Laneah passed out with 5 minutes left). They had changed the show since I had been there last and Jason and I really liked it. The fire dancing was the best part, it always is. Another fun filled day completed!