Sunday, April 24, 2011

Kansas City

For the first part of our trip, the girls and I flew to Kansas City to see my good friend Heather and her family. She has two cute kids, Isabella and Caden. We only had two days, but it was so wonderful just to spend time together. Heather and I have the best kind of friendship where no matter how long it has been, you can just pick right back where you left off. Unfortunately, the age difference proved to much for Isabella and Laneah, but the kids all still had fun. 
 On our first day we went to Wonders Cove, which is a really cute children's museum. They had several different rooms and we started in the ball room. You got to pick a bucket of balls and then they had lots of stations where you could roll them, race them, etc. 

 A favorite room was the food market, although Brooklyn kept trying to eat all the plastic food.

 I thought this room was the cutest. The kids can dress up like Drs and surgeons and examine babies. 
 Dr Brooklyn on consult.

 Caden loved the train set in the hallway.
 The art room was fun as well, they have special markers so you can draw on your face and tons of paper, glue, glitter and other art supplies.

 There were lots of other rooms and the kids loved it there. We also took them to a bounce zone and wore them out:) But my favorite part was when Chris (Heather's husband) and my dad, who had come to pick us up, watched the kids so Heather and I could go out. We went shopping and ate at Bravo, my favorite restaurant. It was perfect!

After we got back from dinner, my dad drove the girls and I to St Louis. Thanks Heather and Chris for having us. We miss you guys!


Heather said...

We DO have the best kind of friendship. I LOVED you guys being here. I so wish that Isabella had clicked better w/ Laneah. Heidi and I had this same problem when Isabella was younger--Lily was so annoyed w/ everything she did. Maybe next year! :)