Monday, November 29, 2010

Christy and Jereme's Wedding

On November 20, my sister was sealed in the San Diego Temple to Jereme. She looked beautiful and so happy. And he is totally smitten with her as well.  The weather was terrible. It was cold, rainy and windy, but the couple was not deterred. They took a few pictures outside and then we all made the long trek to L.A. for the wedding reception. We didn't put the girl's dresses on until we got to the reception since we didn't do family and wedding party pictures outside. My mom bought Laneah this gorgeous flower girl dress and she looked like Cinderella.

 Brooklyn looked stunning too of course.

Laneah giving a hug to her new Uncle Jereme
The wedding cake. The reception was beached themed. Didn't it turn out great? The seashells on the cake are white chocolate.
Jason and I in our fancy wedding clothes. Doesn't this look like a prom photo? lol
I tried once again to get a family photo. They were so bad I am not even going to post them, but I got these cute photos of Laneah and I, and one of Brooklyn and Jason. Does photoshop allow you to combine photos? I will have to find out.
The girls with Nana.
The happy couple
My sister and I. Laneah wanted to be in the picture too apparently.

My handsome brothers Jake and Alex. Andrew is currently on his mission in Nevada.We missed him.

My grandma and Aunt Donna were able to come and they made Christy this amazing beach quilt.
I put a dab of frosting on Laneah's nose and she thought it was hilarious.
All of the siblings dancing together.
Laneah loved dancing and once she was spinning and spinning and when she stopped a bunch of people clapped and she smiled at them and bowed. It was so cute and funny. 

My happy parents
The reception was a lot of fun and once it was over it was hard to say goodbye to everyone since we were all going to our homes the next morning. It was a beautiful wedding and a fun, but hectic vacation in California. We love you Christy and Jereme! Congrats and we wish you an eternity of happiness.


Heather said...

Congrats to Christy! The photo of you and Jason did look like a prom photo. :) But you guys are a beautiful couple, so you worked it. I love the pic of Laneah hugging Jereme. What a special day. Chris and I were sealed in San Diego; it is such a beautiful temple.

Nana said...

Great pictures! I need copies!I sure do miss you all. I love how Christy and Jereme are just glowing in every picture. I'm sure happy they are coming here for Christmas! I'm just sad that all the family can't be here.The trip was very fun and Laneah and Brooklyn couldn't have been more loved,spoiled and entertained. I thank they are loved more than any other children on earth!