Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

On Friday we went to Gaylord National Resort and Pavilion. At the Pavilion each year they have a different themed ice display. They make the ice and fly artisans in from a cold province in China for three months to create the huge display. This year it was Dr Seuss' Grinch Christmas. We purchased our tickets online and they had time slots, so you would think that you are going in at the time you are assigned, but that didn't mean anything. We waited in line for an hour and half, so by the time we got to the front, both of the girls were hysterically crying and Jason was grumpy because he needed to eat (his diabetes makes him moody when he doesn't eat). They give you these coats to put on and every time I tried to put Laneah's coat, hat and gloves on, she would rip them off! We finally dragged her in, and once she was in there, she was so happy. She loved all of the ice and it was amazing. They had several rooms full of amazing sculptures. They even built these huge slides out of ice. I wish that I would have had time to explore, but even though I put socks and shoes on Brooklyn she kept pulling them off and she was so cold she was screaming at the top of her lungs. I was going to tell Jason to take Brooklyn out and I would stay with Laneah, but he disappeared with Laneah so I left with Brooklyn because I didn't want her in the cold anymore. 
 We were going to go to a Christmas Tree Lighting, but we ended up just staying at the Gaylord Resort for the evening. This resort was amazing. They had a fountain that changed colors, danced and shot 60 feet into the air, a train, Santa, and it even snowed inside! 

Laneah loved riding the train and the snow, but her favorite part by far was the fountain. It got her pretty wet, but she was laughing and having a great time.

 On Saturday we went to Homestead Gardens to get our tree and to see Santa. Another laughable attempt at a family photo. Maybe someday....
While daddy waited in line for Santa, I took the girls around to play. 

Laneah found this Santa hat and wanted to wear it and then put it on Brooklyn.

 Then it was our turn for Santa. Laneah was so excited to see Santa. When I asked her what she wanted from Santa, she told me "5 puppies". Ok, sure, lol. When Laneah got on Santa's lap, she was a little shy and wouldn't talk, but wasn't scared either. She just kept giggling. Brooklyn just looked at him, but she wasn't scared either. But Homestead Gardens is great because you can see Santa and get pictures with your own camera for free. Can't beat that.

 After Santa, we got our tree and on Sunday we decorated it. Laneah loved her Christmas tree. She kept saying, "Thank you so much! It is amazing!" So sweet.


Heather said...

This place was so cute! But man it looked cold. Little B was clearly not happy about the temperature--poor thing. She'll like it better next year. ;)