Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sea World

We also went to Sea World while we were in San Diego. It was a pretty chilly day and Sea World was almost like a ghost town. We fed the seals first and it was crazy because the birds would practically attack you to get the fish. One bird actually snatched a fish right out of Jason's hands! It was pretty funny but the seals weren't happy to be cheated out of their food. Then we saw the sharks and it was so funny because Laneah kept gasping and saying "oh my goodness!" 

They have a little Sesame Street in the middle of the park and we went there to play. Laneah rode the rides with Uncle Jacob and Uncle Alex.

The girls played in the play area that is normal spraying and dumping water all over the place, but it wasn't on because it was too cold.
And while we were there we saw Cookie Monster and Elmo. Laneah was surprisingly scared so I told her she didn't have to go, but heaven forbid Brooklyn get all the fun and attention, so she came too and then had a great time giving hugs and high fives to them. Brooklyn loved them too. She kept laughing at Cookie Monsters googly eyes.

 We got to pet some stingrays and feel starfish also.
The Shamu show was disappointing. It was a really weird story, more about the trainer than the whales, and there was lots of really inspirational and intense music without any performance follow through. It was neat to see the whales do tricks, but overall wasn't very exciting. Laneah loved seeing the whales jump and splash and would laugh, clap and cheer throughout the performance.
Our favorite show was the sea lion and otter show. It was a spoof off SNL and was so funny. Here the sea lion was a superhero and had on this cute cape.
 Laneah watched the whole show eating a bucket of yummy popcorn.
 We played a game and Laneah won this dolphin. She loves it and took it everywhere. Oh, and it was so fun to take on the plane ride home. 
 She loved having her Uncle Jacob and Uncle Alex there.
One of my favorite parts of the day was feeding and petting the dolphins. Laneah was kind of hesitant at first, but enjoyed feeding the dolphins too.

Brooklyn had lots of fun too. She loved petting the sting rays and seeing all the animals.
They had a beautiful tree up and an ice skating rink. I wish we had time to ice skate, but we didn't so we got a quick photo with the tree anyway. 
It was a good day and both the girls enjoyed Sea World.


Nana said...

I"m so glad you all had a great time! The pictures are great!! I love you all and miss you so much! I love the picture of Jake on the ride with Laneah! Alex is such a wonderful Uncle too. Laneah loves him so much!

Jen & Johnny said...

What a BLAST!!! I LOVE Sea World and it looks like your kids do too!! I love all the pictures!!!