Friday, November 26, 2010

Casa Guadalajara

 While we were in San Diego,we celebrated my mom's birthday. She wanted to go to a Mexican restaurant and so we went to Casa Guadalajara in Old Town. It was an authentic Mexican food and so yummy.
They had amazing decorations with so many colors which Brooklyn loved. Laneah had fallen asleep on the way over, she had wore herself out at the beach earlier and so she slept in Uncle Alex's arms until the Mariachi band starting playing.
She woke up and quickly got excited over the food, decorations and the music.
Brooklyn kept dancing, but every time I tried to get a video of her she would stop dancing. Little stinker:) The band came over and played for my mom's birthday.
Then my mom asked them if had any wedding songs and one of the guys said he had a perfect one...and then he started playing a funeral song!! We all cracked up. But then he said jk and they played a beautiful rendition of Ave Maria. It was so much fun and the food was amazing. Alex and I got churros for dessert and they served them with whipped cream. It was so delicious that I caught Alex licking the plate, lol:)

Happy birthday Mom, we love you!!!!


Al said...

those churros were so good!!

Nana said...

Thank you, it was a wonderful Birthday!