Monday, October 11, 2010

Niagara Falls Part 2: Goat Island & Cave of the Winds

After the Maid of the Mist boat ride, we walked over to Goat Island. The colors in the trees were beautiful and the island takes you right to the top of the American Falls.

On the Island, you can go on a tour called The Cave of the Winds. You take an elevator down to the bottom of the Falls and then climb up. It also requires a beautiful poncho.
 The view looking up into the Falls was amazing.

 Don't these pictures look fake? Especially since I have a rainbow coming out of my head. lol. 

We got a little bit more wet on this one, but loved this tour as well. We had so much fun and although we were bummed to have to leave so soon, we were anxious to get back to our girls. It was a great weekend and we were both glad that we decided to go to Niagara Falls on the way home. 


Kandice said...

How incredible!! I want a weekend get-away. Glad you enjoyed it. Now I'm going to make Tim take me to Niagara too. Miss you guys.