Monday, October 11, 2010


Jason and I went to an adoption conference in Kirtland, Ohio this past weekend. Neither Jason or I had been to Kirtland before so we were both excited. The conference didn't start until late Friday afternoon so we drove up Thursday and spent all of Friday morning exploring Kirtland.We drove up I-70 and the drive was breathtaking. The further north we went, the more vibrant colors the trees were. Jason and I both love history so we really enjoyed Kirtland.  We were able to see several sites, including the Newel K Whitney store and the Ashery.

I can't imagine having to live back then, and I have such admiration for those early Saints who sacrificed so much for the good of the church. I also love that Kirtland is the place where Joseph and Emma adopted their twins. My favorite place was the Kirtland Temple though.

It was beautiful and I loved taking a tour of it. You couldn't take any pictures of it from the inside, which you are probably grateful for because I would have put a lot more pictures on here. lol. It was perfect weather and the scenery was gorgeous, with the leaves beginning to change.

The Adoption Conference was great. We learned a lot from the classes and our keynote speakers, the Coveys (7 Habits of Highly Effective People). The Coveys focused on strengthening marriages and making a marriage mission statement. Ours is "Committed Together in Faith and Love: For our God, For Our Children, and For Our Future". The only negative part of the conference was that LDS Family Services announced that they changed their policy and they will now only allow THREE children to be adopted per family. I understand the policy, and I am not angry, but it is still frustrating and sad for me. I have always wanted a large family and it seems there is always another roadblock in the way. But that is life and I know that God will bless us.because He always comes through for us. It was such an amazing conference and it always goes by too quickly. But luckily our weekend wasn't over as we headed up to Niagara Falls. I will blog about that in another post, with lots of pictures:)


Nana said...

Great pictures! Dad and I loved going up there too. The fall colors are so beautiful now! I'm glad you took some time to yourselves! I love you and Jason and you know I love your sweet girls!