Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We started an art class at Gymboree today and Laneah had so much fun. She is very artistic so I thought it would be good to put her in an art class. We started off with free paint, where the kids could paint a picture that they want.

Then we moved on to the theme of today's class which was the green and speckled frogs (do you know the song?) The teacher put a bunch of shaving cream on the table and let the kids explore the texture and then added green paint. Then they made a picture with the green shaving cream and added yellow dots with q-tips.
The next project was Laneah's favorite. They colored on brown paper and rolled the paper so it was a "log" and then added "frogs", which were green fuzzies and added googly eyes.
After cleaning up, we had snack and story time. Then it was time for dress up. The teacher pulled out a big bin, but Laneah just wanted the butterfly wings. She did put the hat for a little while.
Laneah and her new friend Savannah ran around playing and laughing.
It was a really fun class and we are looking forward to next week and more art projects.