Friday, August 20, 2010

Laneah at 2 years 8 months

food: Hot Dogs
Treat: Ice Cream

Movie: Monsters, Inc
Cartoon: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Book: Princess Story Collection
Color: Blue; Brown
Song: Teach Me; Twinkle Twinkle; ABCs


*baddades- batteries. If something isn't working Laneah will say "mommy, need baddades!"
*ludenbugs- lady bugs
*Oh! C'mon!

*Jungle- Laneah calls forests, or any large grouping of trees a jungle.
*Oh my gosh
*its enough- She says this all the time. Usually with food.
*perfect- Laneah will say "there, its perfect"
*whats your problem? She says this with attitude too

*mess in 'ere- She says this because I say this all the time:)
*Nuffin- nothing
*prabubee- probably

*Come play width me
*watch this; watch me or i want to show you something
*sure am

*very heavy- she says this whenever she has to carry anything, even if it isn't heavy.
*lets do it!
*Huly cow- Holy cow

What's Happening:

*Laneah loves showing off. If you come over to our house, Laneah will show you all her toys and all her tricks.

* She is no longer taking naps, so by 4 pm, life gets real rough.

*Laneah is so clumsy. She constantly tripping over her own feet and running into things.

*She is very high energy and always on the go. If we are home, she is always asking or pretending to be going somewhere. If we are on our way home from an outing, she will whine "no go home"

*Laneah thinks that people, including herself, that she watches on a video can hear her. So when we watch a video of Laneah singing, she will yell "Neah! Hi Neah!" and try to talk to herself on the video. Priceless.

*She loves to make Brooklyn laugh. She is also a great big sister and loves to give her hugs and kisses.

*When we are at church and it is time for prayer we will say "Laneah it's time for prayer" and she will reply "ok, Neah say it" and then start saying the prayer

*She is into building things right now, especially forts and castles

*Singing and dancing are two of her favorite things to do. She has a cow girl hat that she loves to put on when she sings Old McDonald.

*She is a true artist and is always very proud of her pictures. She likes to show them off and then wants them displayed on the fridge.

Laneah is a character. She is social, entertaining and very smart. She can make me want to scream one minute and then melt my heart the next. She keeps us on our toes:)


Heather said...

I love the way she talks. Her little "Laneah-isms" are so cute. No more naps!?! You poor mama--mommies need their kiddos to take naps. For their sanity. :) Is she at least going to bed earlier?

Nana said...

Laneah is so Amazing!!! I love hearing her sweet voice as she sings her songs. I hope she always has the passion for life that she has now. It is wonderful to see the fun she has discovering the world around her.I'm sure your Papa and grandma (my mom and Dad) spend as much time as possible just watching her and laughing!OH HOW I LOVE HER!!!!
I'm looking forward to sweet hugs and kisses from her and precious Brooklyn too!!!