Monday, August 9, 2010

Jessica's Baby Shower

On Saturday, Kami and I threw a baby shower for our best friend Jessica. She is having a girl and is due next month. I love to plan and decorate so I had lots of fun with this shower. Jessica was planning on having her nursery be giraffe/safari themed so Kami and decided to run with it.
We made the invitations (sorry the picture isn't that great)

Jess likes things a little more classy, so instead of balloons, I made these pom poms to hang.
Kami made this gorgeous diaper cake and table runner

We arranged flowers in vases and put them all over the house.
This banner was last minute and I put it together in 10 minutes, but I thought it turned out cute. It is kind of hard to see, but it says "Whoa Baby". We had clothespin on the lines, and whenever Jess got a really cute outfit, we pinned it to the clothesline so everyone could see it.
Somehow in the craziness of getting the shower together I didn't take a picture of the room with other decorations and the food. Jess has celiacs so we had a gluten free brunch. We had fruit, gluten free muffins (apple cinnamon, blueberry and chocolate chip), scones with toppings, and an egg, cheese and bacon casserole. The food was great and Jess was so happy to be able to eat everything since it was all gluten free.
Jess got some great gifts and she loved the shower.

And Kami and I loved throwing it. It was lots of fun and I am so excited for Jess' baby to come.


Kandice said...

Looks beautiful! You and Kami did an awesome job. Glad Jessica enjoyed it too.

Nana said...

I'm happy that you have such wonderful friends. You all look beautiful. The decorations were very cute.

Heather said...

You did a beautiful job! What a darling shower. Jessica is lucky to have you as a close friend.